Knowledge base -


  • Overview of orders.
  • Graphical representation for quick understanding.
  • The number of delivery members, the total number of orders, successfully delivered orders.
Explore admin dashboard features
delivery manager panel

General settings

  • Enable/Disable customer ratings, customer data protection.
  • Set delivery type (Auto/Manual) to be assigned for delivery executive. (Explained below in detail under NEW ORDER MANAGEMENT)
  • Enable/Disable commission for the delivery executive for the failed orders.
general settings

Delivery executive management

  • Add a delivery executive or manage the existing delivery executive through the delivery executive management settings.

Add delivery executive

  • Add the details of the delivery executive by adding the following details.
  • Response time – set the particular time limit within which a delivery executive can accept/reject the order.
  • Base fare – set the minimum fare amount for the delivery executives or just give commission by setting base fare as 0.00.
  • Fare type – Fare type denotes how a delivery executive will get his fare, on the basis of per kilometer or on the basis of per minute from the time he picked up an order.
  • Per kilometer/minute charge – set per charge kilometer/minutes amount this will be earned by the delivery person.
  • Number of order limit – The maximum number of orders per day that a delivery person is authorized to deliver.

Manage delivery executive

  • Once after adding the delivery executive, the delivery manager has the right to edit the information or Block/Unblock or even delete permanently any delivery executive, or change his fare rates, number of orders, etc. Through manage delivery executive option, a delivery manager can download the list of all the delivery executives if need be.
manage delivery executive


  • Delivery manager will be notified about any new order placed by the customers. Once the delivery manager is notified and opens the order, he can assign the orders to the delivery executives. This process of delivery manager assigning the new orders can be done only when the delivery preference set earlier in general settings was Manual.
  • To Manually assign orders, click on any of the new orders Assign Orders. Once you click on Assign Orders, a new window will open, where delivery manager can see list of delivery executives to whom he can assign the orders.
new order management


  • The new orders will be assigned automatically based on the delivery executive who is nearest to the restaurant location. The delivery executive has the response time set by the delivery manager to either accept or reject the order.
assign order

Order rejected by delivery executive

  • Number of orders rejected by the delivery person.
  • Reason for rejecting the order.
  • Order details of the rejected order.
  • Details of the delivery executive rejecting the order.
  • Option to reassign the order, by selecting reassign order option. Click on Reassign order in a new window select the delivery executives to assign the order.
  • Click on View, to see the reasons for rejecting the order and to see the invoice details.
rejected reason

Order management

  • Detailed list of all orders.
  • Date range to view orders for the selected dates.
  • Click on to view the invoice and track order. Once clicking on Track order a detailed tracking will be shown as below:
  • Search options to view orders based on customer's name, order ID, merchant, order amount, delivery executive’s name, etc.
order management

Commission tracking

  • Track everything related to the commission for the delivery manager.
  • Commission to be paid and received by the delivery manager.
  • Overall orders, amount of total order by the particular delivery executive.

Delivery executive map

  • Locate any delivery executive by their name, location or the mobile number to find delivery executives in the map.

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