Specifications of the restaurant name, minimum order amount, the restaurant allow pre-order or not.
Option to set the delivery time of the restaurant to be displayed.
A brief description of the restaurant.
Selecting a particular radius for delivery which the restaurant accepts the orders from.
Select restaurant address, restaurant logo, restaurant banner and working hours when the orders will be accepted.
Add the Item available time for each meal which will be shown to the customers.
Add item
Option to select a particular restaurant where an item needs to be added. (as of now only one restaurant per merchant)
Mention the category and subcategory of the item to be added.
The Item code for each item for recognizing items. (Beneficial mainly for the admin who will need to manage various restaurants and items)
Describe the item name and item content i.e the size or ingredients used in the item etc.
The Total quantity of items available in the restaurant, the original price of the item, option to allow discount or not. If the discount is allowed, the discount rate to be mentioned.
Veg or Non-veg item, description about the item in brief.
Choose dining hours the item will be available - Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch, Supper, Dinner.
Options to allow or disallow choices for the item and specifications.
Upload eye-catching image of the item.
Manage item
The items added by the merchant or restaurant will be displayed with the item code, item name, original price, and discount price if any and item image.
icon represents an item is blocked, when item is unblocked. Click on the icon to block/unblock.
Delete any item of the restaurant.
When you need in-hand record of the items, use the Download list Download List option. An excel sheet showing the list of items will be downloaded.
Stock availability will change to Sold, once the quantity of an item is over.
Action button option to edit, block/unblock the item or delete the item.
Item bulk upload
Add the items in bulk easily by downloading the sample document and fill up the columns. Upload the document after adding the bulk items. The items will be added and displayed in manage items.
Manage item review
Manage the reviews given by the customers for the item.
Options to approve, disapprove or delete the unwanted reviews.
Manage restaurant review
Customers can give reviews specifically for the restaurants which can be managed here.
In order to view the review click on icon and to approve any review click on Disapprove delete reviews.
Manage order review
Reviews on particular order will be given by the customers.
Manage order reviews of the customers by approving, disapproving or deleting the reviews.
Once the review is approved, it will appear on the website.
Order management
Once the order is placed by the customer and the merchant is notified, they can check it under the order management.
List of orders, both new and past orders.
Click on View orders under the Actions column to check the current status of the order - preparing for delivery, dispatched, delivered, etc.
View invoice, order amount, payment status, customer name, order ID.
Option to select the order status from a drop-down list. Or search from date range, or manually input the data and search the orders.
Commission tracking
Track the commission paid by the admin and the commission yet to receive from admin.
Total order amount earned by the restaurant and the number of canceled orders.
View transaction for the detailed commission history.
Pay requests display the account number where the commission is to be credited by admin.
Stock management
Manage the stocks by adding stock quantity.
Click on the Add Quantity, and a pop-up window will appear where you can add the quantity.
Cancellation payment
Details of orders which are canceled.
Click on the cancelled order ID to view the details.
Customer’s email ID, order ID, the amount paid to the customer and the balance amount to be paid.
To view the reason for rejecting the order, click on Rejected. A new pop-up window will appear displaying the reason for canceling the order.
Make your restaurant as featured
Make your restaurant more visible and gain more traffic by displaying your restaurant in the featured restaurant list.
In order to become the featured restaurant, one has to pay amount.
Select the specific dates you want to make your restaurant featured and the payment method used.
Restaurants will be featured on the website, only when the Admin approves.